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Journal of Nutrition Research
An official journal of IAPEN India association


Journal of Nutrition Research

Year: 2024, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 53-74


Consensus on the Screening, Assessment, and Nutritional Management of Dysphagia

Received Date:19 February 2024, Accepted Date:25 December 2024, Published Date:30 December 2024


Dysphagia, characterized by impaired swallowing function, presents a substantial healthcare burden globally, affecting various populations and conditions. The present article aims to present a comprehensive clinical consensus on dysphagia diagnosis, assessment, and management, derived from an expert group comprising diverse healthcare professionals in India. Through systematic literature reviews and consensus development methodologies adhering to international standards, evidence-based recommendations were formulated to address key aspects of dysphagia care. Recommendations encompass screening protocols, diagnostic modalities, nutritional assessments, and therapeutic interventions, including exercises and feeding strategies. The consensus underscores the importance of early detection and tailored interventions, particularly in high-risk populations such as stroke patients. By integrating contemporary evidence and expert insights, this consensus offers a structured framework to enhance dysphagia care standards, with the overarching goal of improving patient outcomes and reducing associated morbidity and mortality. This comprehensive guideline is a valuable resource for healthcare practitioners involved in managing dysphagia, facilitating optimized patient care and improved quality of life.

Keywords: Dysphagia, Texture-modified, Commercial thickeners, Aspiration, Swallowing


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Published By India Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (IAPEN)


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