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Journal of Nutrition Research
An official journal of IAPEN India association


Journal of Nutrition Research

Year: 2024, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Pages: 8-14


Uses of Probiotics and Immunonutrition in Gastrointestinal Disorders – Recommendations and Practices

Received Date:24 November 2023, Accepted Date:07 March 2024, Published Date:07 June 2024


Probiotics play a key role in restoring the normal gut microbiota and improves the gastrointestinal function. Generally, probiotics are pondered to be dietary factors which have an impact on the gut microbiota and to have a monitoring effect on the intestinal flora. The gut-liver axis has a pivotal role in the liver disease pathophysiology. Immunonutrition uses nutritional interventions to produce health-related effects beyond the primary nutrient value and regulate the neuroendocrine immunoinflammatory responses. Few studies are favouring the use of probiotics and immunonutrition in gastrointestinal disease. Still not much evidence-based guidelines pertaining to the uses of immunonutrition and probiotics are available. This article will provide an overview of the current practices and guidelines in the use of probiotics and immunonutrients in gastrointestinal diseases.


Probiotics, Immunonutrition, Gut­liver axis, Gut microbiota, Sarcopenia


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Published By India Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (IAPEN)


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