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Journal of Nutrition Research
An official journal of IAPEN India association


Journal of Nutrition Research

Year: 2018, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Pages: 107-110

Nutrition Research

A study on the extent of food availability and accessibility to the elderly living Below Poverty Line (BPL) in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Received Date:29 August 2018, Accepted Date:30 August 2018, Published Date:05 September 2018


Most of the studies on ageing in Kerala, India were centered on the health aspects, old age homes, socio-economic problems and quality of life of the elderly. But studies on the extent of food availability and accessibility of the elderly living Below Poverty Line (BPL) in Kerala, India have not been undertaken till date. The present study aims at examining the food availability and accessibility of the elderly living Below Poverty Line. The study is conducted not only to access their food availability and accessibility but also to see how they consume with their own income, pension or family income, or to see how much they depend on their children, relatives or others and to analyze whether their income is sufficient or not to meet their requirements.

Keywords: Ageing, Food availability, Food accessibility, Below Poverty Line (BPL), Elderly


© The Indian Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2018


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