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Journal of Nutrition Research
An official journal of IAPEN India association


Journal of Nutrition Research

Year: 2023, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-7


Nutritional Management in Chronic Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation

Received Date:17 August 2023, Accepted Date:30 November 2023, Published Date:06 June 2024


Prevalence of malnutrition is most common in patients with chronic liver diseases. Malnutrition is associated with frequent infections, inflammations, long duration of hospitalisation and cause deep negative impact on disease progression and outcomes. Early screening and identifying the levels of malnutrition may help in initiating timely and focused care to prevent further complications.



Nutrition, Malnutrition, Assessment


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Published By India Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (IAPEN)


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